One season ends, another start, 2018 our best “feed us all”

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I am currently in Dubai reading the book “The Year 1000”; a book that describes what life was like in England in the year 1000.

In their exploration of what life was like at the turn of the first millennium, authors Robert Lacey and Danny Danziger refernce the historical document of the “Juluis Work Calendar” produced in a writing studio of Canterbury Cathedral some time around Ad 1020.

1018 thousand year ago, life was regulated by the length of night and day light and had a direct influence on the primary survival objective of the time: the creation and production of food. “The ploughman feed us all” proclaimed a common saying of the time, and the calendar of holly days and festivities served to instill faith toward God and the King: the protectors of the people.

In the year 1000 the forests were farmed like fields. Wood was the fuel of the times. People's main fear was famine and starvation in a time when coins and currency were just getting organized.

Now days the world has become global and the tools of modernization give us the freedom to fly where the skies are always blue and the sun always shines.  At CaddiePlayer, we like to say “The player feed us all” as our moto. 1018 years later we record our best “Tour Work Calendar” thanks to LPGA Celine Herbin, European Tour Raphael Jacquelin, Richard Sterne and Matthieu Pavon (July-August).

For our 2018 record performance book:

·         1 Top 5, 4 top ten

·         4  times club house leader

·         4 major participations, 2 cuts, 1 top25

·         1 best career score card > 62

·         1 albatros, more eagles and countless birdies

·         over 1 million Euro in prize money, but most importantly Celine, Raphael, Richard and Mattieu kept their Tour card privilege to further “feed” 2019…. Thanks to the fuel fly to the sun, 2019 season has allready started….

Stephane in the second millennium in another dimension.

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